The pharmaceutical industry is putting profits ahead of people's lives.
Money Talks is a straight shooting documentary exploring drug industry influence through interviews with key opinion leaders. It’s a 50 minute education on the problems behind the pharmaceutical industry today.
Meghann Matwichuk, ALA Round Table Committee
“A chilling documentary”
Marilynn Larkin, The Lancet
“Money Talks filled the gaps... things are far worse than I suspected.”
Evelyn Hampton, UTNE
“You've tackled an immense issue with clarity, courage and conviction. Thank you.”
John Robbins, Diet for a New America, The Food Revolution
*Recognized by the ALA's Video Round Table Notable Videos for Adults
MONEY TALKS: PROFITS BEFORE PATIENT SAFETY explores the many questions surrounding the ethical and societal implications of the marketing practices of the pharmaceutical industry, and how these practices relate to consumers, physicians, research, the FDA and Capitol Hill. Featuring interviews with key opinion leaders from major universities, investigative journalists, medical professionals, former pharmaceutical sales reps and others, these experts frankly discuss how pharmaceutical companies push drugs to doctors, influence medical research, and put all of our health at risk.
This is a must see for anyone who wants to take part in the upcoming national healthcare debate. You will understand how the pharmaceutical industry is affecting both your health and your pocketbook.